Terrific Pest Control Advice You Need To Hear

Are you having a pest problem? Are the bugs literally driving you nuts? Unwanted pests can bring many problems to your home. Some pests can even adversely affect your health. Keep reading to discover the best ways to handle pest issues.

Are you having recurring problems with fruit flies, even after you have eliminated them? You might have a drain issue. Make sure that you wrap your drain to the best of your ability with plastic. If you do see them, some boiling hot water poured into the drain and a brisk scrub should eliminate them once and for all. This is the best way to get rid of fruit flies.

Hairspray is a great method of killing stinging insects. There are numerous chemicals in hairspray that will not only kill insects, but repel them as well.

If you have a water leak, fix it promptly. Pests of all kinds need water to live and thrive. In fact, most pests can even sense water from far away. Don’t get in your own way when it comes to pest control. Do a little work and save yourself from having to deal with bugs or rodents in your home.

Always store your food carefully. Pests often have very good senses of smell, so leaving the container open can attract them by smell. In addition, when your trash bag is full, take it out immediately. Pests really enjoy the smell of trash!

Don’t allow pools of standing water to form near your home. Pests can literally sense standing water. Therefore, you need to thoroughly inspect your plumbing to ensure that there are no leaky pipes. Do not neglect to clean your house plant trays. Pets thrive on water, so take this out of the equation.

Check your plumbing to control your indoor pests. Check drains and sinks for any clogging. Anything that might be found in your plumbing can be food to a wide range of pests and can even give them a great place to reproduce. When you’ve cleared your drains, check them every month.

You should now be prepared to eliminate those pests from your home. Use what you have learned above and take back your home. It might take time, but soon you won’t hear scurrying in the ceiling, and you can sleep better knowing nothing is there.

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